The Joy of Being a Spiritual Seeker

            Millions of souls have felt the joy of embracing the many pure and loving aspects of God’s goodness and teachings. On the other hand, many troubled souls who most need the reassuring knowledge of God’s great love and His glorious plan for our future are those who have the most difficulty comprehending divine concepts. A large percentage of people on Earth have, knowingly or unknowingly, embraced many of the values and culture of rebellion against the will of God, which always seeks greater goodness for all God’s children. They do not realize that our Creator wants His children to enjoy the greatest love, peace and joy. Instead, some individuals focus solely on acquiring material things, pursuing status and popularity, and disregard the indwelling spirit. This results in an absence of true peace and happiness, and little sense of fulfillment. In contrast, those who realize how tremendously loving and giving our Creator is strive to attune to His divine light and will, experiencing a happier life, even when dealing with great challenges along the way.

            Focusing on particular spiritual concepts will unlock the meaning of many spiritual mysteries to provide not just intellectual understanding, but key spiritual experiences that will lift readers to new heights of peace and awareness. Our next book, currently in the works, will provide select concepts and techniques that will bring significant blessings and experiences beyond intellectualism.

            Souls must consciously desire and accept their true identity as divine beings, with unlimited potential through God’s light of love, wisdom and power. One requirement for achieving full divine potential is the desire to help others—to love your neighbor as yourself.

            In like manner, our Loving Creator along with vast numbers of His divine hierarchy, want to help every spiritual seeker find their way to the greater reality within, which is the only safe refuge from the storms of life outside of God’s will. Entering into the Kingdom of God, which is His consciousness, leads to such flows of divine light and love that they are beyond our fondest dreams. Only then does a soul know his true identity. All spiritual seekers, who absorb and practice the appropriate spiritual teachings, must prepare for the Loving Presence to join with them right inside their body temple!

            Seekers of true happiness and fulfillment are more interested in spiritual things than physical possessions. They are more interested in how they can evolve toward their spiritual destiny. Indescribable joys await all who are serious about advancing on their path back home, helping them rise above the chaos and suffering on Earth.  Spiritual seekers require and have a degree of self-discipline, for with discipline comes freedom. They gladly choose a path of discipleship to gain their freedom from the mundaneness, struggles, and futility of life without God.

            There is a profound yearning within the hearts of spiritual seekers, really within all mankind, for a better comprehension of life. Those searching for more answers want to transcend the confusion that permeates our planet regarding the best ways to live and to spiritually evolve. Unfortunately, there are such tremendous amounts of negative and scandalous attitudes on Earth at this time (which can be seen, for example, on many of today’s TV shows) that even sincere devotees of spirit have difficulty not being influenced by them.  Poor habits and attitudes block or seriously hinder a spiritual devotee from manifesting their higher, divine nature which is to radiate love and take loving action.

            Let spiritual seekers contemplate and apply spiritual truths and practices that they discover. Those that are true will be proven and have great value, as minds become clearer and new levels of peace arrive. The doorway to greater spiritual light will be open, energizing the entire self.

            Those concepts that ring true in the heart will elevate one’s consciousness into greater attunement with spirit, explaining numerous aspects beyond our visible world, and addressing the spiritual causations of our being and all of life.  A deep comprehension of these subjects requires an open mind and one’s natural ability to visualize, and to feel the light.  For example, regularly practicing the light meditation (located on page 163 of Unifying Truths of the World’s Religions, and page 192 of Our Magnificent Afterlife) will greatly assist in that experience.

            Set aside for a while the attractions of the rough country. Take a break from the numerous deceptions on Earth. Turn away from the record and memory of strife and any intolerance. Forget, at least for a while, the stress of the Earth, and feel at peace. Experience a greater communion with your Divine Self. Do this, despite the pull of past negative memories.

            Become aware of the great perfection and loveliness of God within your very heart and strive to increase that awareness. It may be helpful to learn more of the beauty that awaits all righteous souls in the heaven worlds beyond the Earth. Books are available describing that beauty, including Our Magnificent Afterlife and many others.

            While witnessing the stresses, tragedies and sufferings of those around you, realize that many are like lost sheep in the wilderness. God’s will always leads to the greatest happiness. If our Creator’s Golden Rule is not followed, either through ignorance or intent, it results in feelings of emptiness, non-fulfillment, and significant emotional pain within oneself and others. An important corollary to the Golden Rule, a great commonality among the religions, is: Forgive others as you’d like to be forgiven by others, and as you’d like to forgive yourself.

            It is the misuse of our free will, of using God’s light or energy in ways not in accord with His will, that results in trouble. Unnecessarily condemning others has for some replaced the deep, understanding and forgiving love that is our genuine nature.

            We are reminded that an essential part of our spiritual progress is to help others find their way back to a whole and happy life, which can only be found within the arms of God. Once this occurs, and once divine teachings are well known, we shall enter into a new age where lies will not be spoken, where those who would consider doing evil or causing suffering to others will understand the laws of karma and will quickly self-correct any negative urges.  How divine justice works will be widely known, and people will have little desire to stray from a path of harmony, peace and loving assistance to each other.

            When people inflexibly ignore their conscience—their inner gentle divine voice of wisdom and love—God’s light is clouded, and people misqualify the energy from their Creator that sustains them every moment. Once people realize their dependence on Spirit, and how their happiness ultimately depends on attuning to God and being kind to others, the light can more clearly be received to transmute their weight of uncertainty and fear. Then, they are willing to make the necessary changes in their perspective on life and to transcend their human consciousness and embrace their higher, divine consciousness. They become loyal to and depend upon the light of God in their life.

            The science of spirit is for the raising of our souls and spirits, for us to enjoy spiritual experience.  It is to raise our consciousness and open our hearts to know the tremendous bliss of the splendor, love and beauty of God.

            It is essential to not allow the human mind to limit the unlimited possibilities. There are several reasons why it may be difficult for someone to believe how wonderful, glorious and joyful our life can be, including the following:

  • It sounds too good to be true. Many people do not believe in God or an afterlife. Of those that do, many still do not realize how much our Creator loves His children.

  • For many, it is hard to have faith in anything that cannot be seen with physical eyes—all the wonders, beauty, joys, and peace that can be found in the spiritual world cannot be seen without awakening the spiritual senses.

  • Some of the important sayings and parables by Jesus which appear in the Bible have been misinterpreted.

            It is most worthwhile to contemplate the holiness of all life (and the holiness of God who created it all). Be not afraid to embrace truth.

            Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

            Matthew 7:7

            Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

            Luke 12:32

            Many scholars believe that the “Kingdom of God” is actually the consciousness of God—which is all good. Therefore, we are urged to develop a consciousness that can only think good things and enjoy the beautiful feelings of love as those good things are shared.

David Lundberg