Ten Steps to Prepare for the Afterlife

Though few like to admit it, a large portion of those who don’t have a strong belief in, or knowledge about, the afterlife will have a certain degree of fear about their inevitable “death.” Based on a recent survey, it is second on the list of what people fear most—public speaking is number one!

Here is a list of ten considerations that are helpful in reducing the fear of death. They also prepare us in other ways for the transition as well as the “new birth” that every soul undergoes as they begin life in the hereafter.

1.  Learn about the afterlife. There is a surprising amount of information available on the subject, and much of this material, despite being from different sources, forms a remarkable consensus of information.

2.  Rest assured, there is an afterlife. Modern science does NOT support the view that conscious life terminates when an individual passes away. No one is able demonstrate proof against the afterlife. In fact, scientific evidence supports the existence of the afterlife. And the abundance of evidence can and should be viewed separately from any religion or belief system. One resource that provides a good overview is A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife by Victor and Wendy Zammit.  Numerous other books provide many categories of evidence. Fascinating supporting corroboration can now even be found in recent discoveries in quantum physics.

3.  Forgive and love all those in your world. This can seem quite difficult, but the forgiveness is important, as according to world religions, we are forgiven as we forgiven.  And, forgiveness then makes loving much easier. An important corollary to the Golden rule, a great commonality among the religions, is: “Forgive others as you’d like to be forgiven by others, and as you’d like to forgive yourself.”

If we want to abide in an afterlife environment of unconditional love and receive this grace of forgiveness, we need to practice giving it. It is easier to forgive and love when remembering that we are all brothers and sisters created by our loving Father/Mother God. When we interact with others, it helps to focus on the higher divine aspect of the individual.

4.  Practice selfless service.  There is always a way to brighten someone’s day or to help them.  Doing so re-attunes us to our true, divine nature, which is the divine nature of God: Love.

5.  Live a clean and pure life. Eat organically when possible. Exercise every day. Respect the body temple, loaned to us by our Creator. This supports a clear mind, along with minimizing TV and movies that glorify cruelty, violence and other demeaning and loveless forms of human interaction. After all, in a very real way, we become what we focus on.

6.  Pray daily.  It is reported from numerous afterlife sources, as well as innumerable testimonies of people on Earth, that prayer is a very helpful practice. Prayer brings positive outcomes on Earth and produces results that can be seen and felt in the hereafter.

7.  Meditate at least once a day. This is a simple and natural process of stilling the thoughts which enables getting centered and receiving divine guidance. There are many meditation techniques, but it can simply be done by observing the breath and remembering that the goal is to transcend our thoughts.

8.  Get your affairs in order—life insurance, wills, living wills—everything that needs to be addressed before your departure. Do this to ensure that your estate is handled the way you want; your assets are distributed properly; and to minimize the expense and stress of any work your loved ones will be required to do.

9.  Prepare for your “life review.”  A remarkable consensus of afterlife reports refers to this process. In this review, we are shown all the significant actions, thoughts and motives we had in our life, and also the effects that these thoughts and feelings have had upon the people we have interacted with.  This review has wonderful aspects when we see the good we have done, and “cringeworthy” aspects when we see how our actions have caused harm to others. It’s possible to prepare for this life review by occasionally taking the time to review one or more segments of time spent on Earth. Focus on the various relationships experienced, transactions made and any strong feelings either positive or negative. Doing this can reveal possible opportunities to ask for forgiveness or make amends for our wrongdoings in this life, and also remove some of the burdens we might otherwise face in the afterlife.

10.  Imagine the end of your life. Think about being on your deathbed.  What regrets will you have?  What do you wish you still had time to accomplish?  By visualizing this now, certain actions may be revealed that you can accomplish while there’s still time. It is reported that one question the newly-arrived soul may face is, “What have you done with your life?”

Afterlife reports reveal that if no efforts are made in these directions, particularly of becoming a more forgiving and loving person, the chances increase that a soul may be caught for a significant time in a darker astral place, a Purgatory or place of purgation, somewhere between Earth and the higher realms of Heaven.

These ten steps can increase the quality of life and reduce any stress concerning the end of life on Earth. And, several of these steps will confinue to enhance life in the hereafter. Take comfort that most afterlife reports indicate that the transitioning soul will be met by one or more loved ones and guided to where they need to be. Our loving Creator has designed worlds where we can make genuine progress for our future existence beyond this mortal realm.

David Lundberg